12 April 2011

A Game of Thrones G.R.R.Martin

Because soon I will start to read  A Song of Ice and Fire series by G.R.R. Martin I decide to make some drawings around that:

A second better version, still some problems:

A game of Thrones G.R.R. Martin
snake60image0-2car ball pen


  1. Goodness gracious me.

    I stumbled across your blog and i've been amazed by your sketches, really they are mind-blowingly good and give me something to aspire to.

    I like how you can sketch something and while it's still rough add the impression of immense detail.

    Keep it up!



  2. Buna ziua
    Numele meu este Constantin Iacob si as dori sa facem un schimb de linkuri - 3 way link exchange - in sensul ca eu voi pune linkul dumneavoastra pe http://iasi-anunturi.blogspot.com/ iar dumneavoastra imi adaugati un link catre http://iasi365.com cu titlul Iasi (fara diacritice)
    Astept raspuns de la dumneavoastra indiferent daca acesta este pozitiv sau negativ. In caz ca sunteti de acord trimiteti-mi titlul pe care il doriti si linkul
    Va doresc multa sanatate si toate cele bune.

  3. This is great! Amazing style! Your blog is beautiful.

